
Writers’ Block - Pirated typewriters that type only one word

A machine that writers fear the most

Writers’ Block hopes to pay tribute to the writers of the past, present and future by creating a machine they fear the most - a monosyllabic typewriter.

The Reborn team has created these unique typing machines, that only type - “fuck”, “love”, “blue” or “bitch” - by using vintage typewriters. Some dating up to the 1920s.

The current key levers of the machines are made by acid cuting. The old letter blocks are melted then replaced with the new customised brass letters to form the word. Which were made with the help of old Vietnamese type-writer repairmen, who keep their techniques secret even today.


Olympia Splendid 66 - Germany - 1960s - Types only : FUCK

Hermes Baby: Manual Typewriter - Switzerland - 1930s - Types only : BITCH

Olivetti Lettera DL Typewriter - Spain - 1970s - Types only : LOVE

Silver Reed 200 - Japan - 1976 - Types only : BLUE


Pre-order & customize a type-writer with any single word you like. All machines are created from broken Vintage type-writers belonging to an era gone by.